Finance & HR specialists
Finance & HR specialists
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Candidate toolkit
Whether you’re looking for an entry role and possess little experience of interviews, would like to progress your career in a new organisation, require assistance with CV writing, are getting ready for an interview or asking for that all-important pay rise, preparation is key.
Our candidate toolkit is based on our team’s many years of recruitment knowledge and experience and has been designed to assist you with your development — helping you to be as prepared as possible whatever your circumstances.

News & views
How to Ensure your Salary Offer Attracts the Right Candidate
Offering a realistic salary from the start is the key to attracting the perfect candidate. Candidates have easy access to offers and advertisements and it’s very easy to compare. Getting the offer right Advertising a salary range and offering at [...]
How to select the right recruitment agency for your business needs?
There is a lot of competition in the recruitment sector right now. Everyone is clamouring for your business. How do you cut through the noise and find the perfect partner for your recruitment needs? Whether you’re fed up with your [...]
Take these 7 actions to hire your perfect candidate in just six weeks
Employers are increasingly losing out on ideal candidates due to lengthy recruitment timelines and indecision. Unemployment is at its lowest in the UK since 1975[1] therefore candidates have more bargaining power than before. Brexit has created uncertainty. Candidates are less willing [...]